Why YOU need YouSort app

Our target users are Parisians. We defined four different types of users : Eco-concerned, Eco-wishers, Reward-hunters and Premium seekers, which contain two different categories, the Sloppy-users and the Do-it-for-me users. We choose to focus on private individuals because they are not enough informed and it is a broader audience that can make a change.


If you are already recycling your products, then YouSort app is right for you. The app will to improve your experience by making it funnier, quicker or even simple. You will also find tips and places you don’t know yet in Paris to recycle particular products. It is possible that their recycling process is incomplete and does not cover every domestic products. If you get excited about the app, you can become its ambassador, share it with your friends and do shopping in eco-friendly shops together.


Do you believe that protecting the environment is important but you find difficult to recycle because you lack relevant information? The application will be your recycling guide both for concrete products you have bought, and for other kinds of belongings, because it completes information about them. Thanks to this, as an eco-wishers you will finally have access to a big data-base. Moreover, the rewards and eco-points will encourage you to continue the effort : it will have a concrete and physical repercussion on your everyday life.


Even if you do not care at all about recycling in itself, you might be quite interested in rewards you can earn thanks to the app and its points. Transform your points to shopping coupons and spend it in our partners’ store. Using our app is like a game: the more you recycle, the more rewards you get. Finally, we are sure that you will not only get addicted to rewards but also to recycling: become more conscious of the environment issues, adopt a new habit that is necessary for the planet. It is possible that you become customer of the partner shop, if it was not the case. In case they found in love either with the cause or the gamification of the process, you could become ambassadors of the app and compete with your friends.


The last type of users the app targets are the so called “premium seekers” whose needs and wills correspond exactly to the Premium option the You Sort app offers. Premium seekers are divided into two different categories.